Air Conditioning & Heating, Serving Northwest Houston

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Air Conditioning & Heating, Serving Northwest Houston

How Often Should I have AC Maintenance?

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Air Conditioning & Heating, Serving Northwest Houston

Did you know that the United States average temperature is increasing? After all, the average temperature last year is at 66 F, compared to the 59.3 F from 1960. But here in Houston, it’s simple, we know it’s getting hotter.

But the good news is that most experts expect the temperature to drop soon. You can also mitigate the issue with a good HVAC system.

Unfortunately, you might face a few common HVAC problems like low airflow. If you do, you might not have sufficient HVAC servicing. Remember, neglecting minor problems can make it snowball the more you delay it.

But when should you call for an HVAC check-up? How often should you rely on the experts?

Read on and find out more.

How Often Should I have AC Maintenace?

A lot of experts point out that you should do this maintenance process once each year. It’s great advice, but it will depend on where you live. Here in Houston, we recommend twice a year to once every quarter. That is because here in Houston, we use our AC units a lot more than other places. An annual HVAC servicing call is great if you live in areas that change seasons. Midwestern regions only often force households to use air conditioners in 4-8 months each year. But that means you won’t need to perform additional checkups anymore.

Once you opt for inspections and maintenance, your HVAC system’s health improves. These professionals will help clean your air conditioner and ensure its proper functions. It also helps in detecting potential issues that can break it down if unchecked.

Older System Maintenance

There’s a high chance that your HVAC system becomes more inefficient as it ages. The repairs and maintenance needed to increase the longer you have it. It’s especially the case if you live in areas with hot climates.

If you opt for a regular maintenance schedule, you can avoid paying for costly repairs in the long run. It will also help you discover when to replace your system for a more efficient one. You can read this interesting guide if you want to know how to make your room air conditioners more energy efficient.

When Maintenance Isn’t Enough Anymore

There will come a time that even a regular maintenance schedule won’t keep your HVAC system working in tiptop shape. Moving parts will always wear out and break, making repairs costlier than replacement. A good rule of thumb is that you need to replace your HVAC system every 15 years since it might be obsolete compared to newer, more energy-efficient models.

Get AC Maintenace Today!

A relatively new air conditioner only needs maintenance once each year, as long as it’s in good working order.

But it’s important to remember that it’s best to call experts in every six months if you’re living in a place with hot climates. As for older systems, you need to maintain it more often to avoid unnecessary breakdowns.

If you aren’t sure when to get proper HVAC servicing, it’s time to call for some expert advice. You can contact us today for a consultation. We have the right set of tools and expertise that can help keep your HVAC system in top working condition.

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