Air Conditioning & Heating, Serving Northwest Houston

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Air Conditioning & Heating, Serving Northwest Houston

Avoid Having Hot and Cold Spots in Your Home

avoid having hot and cold spots in your home
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Air Conditioning & Heating, Serving Northwest Houston

Your Houston home should be comfortable year-round. That includes the hot summers that Houston is notorious for having. Being comfortable, in this context, means an even temperature throughout the house. You want to avoid having hot and cold spots throughout your home. So, we have some tips on how to avoid having hot and cold spots in your home.

Check and replace AC Filters

Preventing uneven temperature pockets in your home can be as simple as changing your AC filters. AC filters filter out particles as it goes through. That means after a while, your ac filter gets covered in those particles, meaning less air travel through them. This can cause your HVAC system to run more often or work harder your home cooler in the summertime or warmer in the winter. That hard work causes more wear and tear. Replacing your current AC filter with a new one helps ensure that your HVAC system can work more efficiently.

Don’t Block Air Vents

When we move furniture around in a room, it is easy to forget about your air vent. When you block an air vent, you not only obstruct the airflow but also force the system to work harder. That is because the room does not get to the set temperature on the thermostat and the thermostat directs the system to work harder.

Adjust the Air Flow

Sometimes, the air just needs to be redirected. We have all done this in a vehicle. A room’s airflow works much the same way. All you need to do is adjust the damper blade from the outside of the vent cover.

Check For Air Seal Leaks

If places in your home are not sealed correctly, cool AC air escapes out and hot air comes in, driving up the heating and cooling bill and creating hot and cold spots in your home.  Three of the biggest areas you should check are:

  • Windows
  • Doors
  • Holes in your walls for pipes, cables, and wiring

Caulk and weatherstripping are the best materials to seal air leaks.

Use Window Coverings

If you ever noticed that a room that has several windows are warmer in the summer, it could be because the windows are not covered. It is assumed by many that window covers are just for privacy.  Yet they can be quite helpful in blocking out the sun and heat.  When you reduce the amount of natural heat in the area, you increase the efficiency of your HVAC system.

AC Maintenance

If your AC is not running correctly in your Houston home, then it can create hot and cold spots in the home. According to the Department of Energy, without routine maintenance, your system’s performance will go downhill and require more and more energy over time. For AC maintenance here in Houston, Be Cool’s Preventative Maintenance Programs and thorough 26-point inspections can help you maximize the life of your AC system. Call us today for an appointment! (832) 906-6113

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